Curriculum Vitae
1. First Name: Dimitar
2. Family name: Hadjinikolov
3. Date and place of birth: October 6, 1953, Sofia.
4. Citizenship: Bulgarian
5. Address: 172 Vitosha blvd, 1408 Sofia, Bulgaria
6. E-mail:
7. Education
Educational establishment From month/year to month/year | Diplomas and Degrees:
University of National and World Economy in Sofia 09/2007 – 04/2010 | Postdoctoral qualification (Dr.habil) in Economics (European integration). Diploma of the Higher Atedtation Commission by the Bulgarian Government |
Moscow State Institute for International Relations (University MGIMO) | Ph. D. Degree in International Economic Relations |
Moskow state Institute for International Relations (University MGIMO) 10/1974 – 06/1979 | Degree in International Economic Relations (Master’s level} |
German College in Sofia 09/1967 – 06/1972 |
Diploma for secondary education |
8. Language skills: (from 1 to 5, 5 is best, 1 is worst)
Language | Readingе | Speaking | Writing |
English |
5 |
5 |
4 |
German |
5 |
5 |
5 |
Russian |
5 |
5 |
5 |
9. Membership in professional associations ang other NGOs
- Chairman of Managing Board of FAEL Foundation
- Member of Bulgarian European Studies Association (June 2016 – June 2022 Chairman of Managing Board)
- Member of Union of Economists in Bulgaria (2003 – 2021 Deputy Chairmen)
- Member of Union of Bulgarian Journalists
10. Professional Career
Year | Place | Organisation | Position | Responsibilitieas |
1993 – | Sofia | University of National and World Economy (UNWE – УНСС) | Aassistant professor – associate professor – full professor | Lecturer on International Trade, European Economy, European Administration, EU Common Trade Policy, etc. |
1993 |
Sofia |
National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria |
Head of Department |
EU Affairs |
2005 – 2009 |
Sofia |
National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria |
Senior Adviser |
EU Affairs Scrutiny Committee |
2000 – 2005 | Sofia, Lovech | Bulgarian Swiss FAEL Foundation (Foundation for the Assistance of the Economy of Lovech) |
Executive Director |
Consulting of local SMEs |
1993 – 2000 |
Sofia | Vanshna Turgovia (Foreign Trade) Magazine – Bulgarian and English editions |
Publisher |
Management and editing |
1998 – 2000 |
Sofia | BSK – Commerce Consult Ltd (a subsidiary of the Bulgarian Industrial Association) |
Manager |
Management, certification of origin of goods, consulting on foreign trade |
1991 – 1993 |
Sofia | Bulgarian Business newspaper |
Deputy editor in-chief | Writing and editing of articles |
1989 – 1991 | Bonn, Germany | Foreign correspondent of Rabotnichesko Delo daily newspaper | Head of Office |
Reporting and writing articles about Germany and Austria |
1985 – 1989 |
Sofia | Rabotnichesko Delo daily newspaper |
Journalist |
Writing and editing articles about the developing countries |
1980 – 1985 |
Sofia | Institute for International Relations – Bulgarian Academy of Science |
Research fellow |
Research on developing countries in Tropical Africa |
11. Specializations and participation in important international conferences and projects
Year |
Country |
Activity |
2019 |
Kazakhstan | Course of lectures on Innovation Management in Russian at the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University |
2017 |
Azerbaijan | Participation as a head of delegation in the Second International Student Conference, organized by the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan and the Regional Office in Baku of the International Network of Customs Universities. The conference was held from July 3 to 6 in the resort of Shahdag. |
2017 |
UAE | Participation in the 13th International Conference on Economic and Social Sciences (13th ICESS-2017), which was held in Dubai on 24 and 25 May 2017. Topic: “Bulgaria in the EU cohesion process.” |
2016 |
Norway | Participation as a lecturer at the Summer School on European Integration at the University of Agder in Kristiansand. Theme of the lectures: “EU cohesion policy and its implementation in Bulgaria”. |
2016 |
Spain | Course of lectures on EU Trade Defence Measures at the University of Alicante (Erasmus Program). |
2015 |
Croatia | Course of lectures on EU Customs Union and Trade Defence Measures at the University of Split (Erasmus Program). |
2014 |
Iceland | Training in academic and teaching methods and modernisation of the curriculum (University Didactics) at the University of Reykjavik (Grant of the European Economic Area). |
2013 |
Kazakhstan | Courses of lectures on Innovation Management and International Economics in Russian and English at the Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering in the City of Aktau |
2012 |
Italy | Study visit in Reggio di Calabria. Title of the visit: “Cooperation between education and training institutions, enterprises and local communities”. (EU Grant). |
2011 |
China | Participation with a presentation in the 2011 International Conference on Economics Business and Marketing Management (EBMM 2011) in Shanghai |
2009 |
France | Member of the Bulgarian delegation at the Conference of the Speakers of the Parliaments of the EU |
2005 – 2009 |
UK, Austria, Finland–Portugal – France – Slovenia – Czech Republic – Sweden | Member of the Bulgarian delegation at the sessions of the Conference of the Community and European Affairs Committees of Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC) |
2008 |
Belgium | Member of the Bulgarian delegation at the Joint Committee Meeting on the EU Development Cooperation, organized by the European Parliament, 26.6.2008, Brussels |
2007 |
Belgium | Member of the Bulgarian delegation at the3rd Joint Parliamentary Meeting on the Future of Europe, 11 and 12 June 2007, Brussels |
2006 |
Bulgaria | Participation in TAIEX Seminar on VAT taxation of intracommunity deliveries (Event Type 21767) |
2006 |
Finland | Training in EU affairs scrutiny in the Parliament of Finland |
2003 |
Switzerland | Specialization on SME assistance programs, financed by SDC (Swiss Development and Cooperation agency) |
2002 |
Belgium | Participation at the Conference “European Financial Instruments for Enterprises in the EU Applicant States” organized by the European Parliament |
2002 |
Switzerland | Training on poverty issues and micro-funding, funded by SDC |
2001 |
Switzerland | Conference on issues of the small business and vocational training, funded by SDC (The Interlaken Conference) |
2000 |
Poland | Specialization on regional policy, organized by the Agricultural development organization in Warsaw and funded by the USAID |
1999-2000 |
Bulgaria-Slovakia-Belgium | Participation in Phare Project ACEP97-8162-R on the impact of trade barriers to trade between EU and the applicant states. Project coordinator – Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels. |
1999 |
Hungary | Training in EU antidumping procedure, held by DG “Trade” of the European Commission |
1998 |
Bulgaria-Germany-Belgium | Training in European integration, funded by Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft (Germany) |
1994 |
United States | Training in Journalism, funded by the USAID |
1988 |
Canada | Participation in the UN Conference on Namibia organized by UN Council on Namibia. |
12. Selected publications
- Eвропа в моята професия, изд. Авангард Прима, С., 2020 (Europa in my profession), Avangard Prima, Sofia, 2020).
- Европейска икономика, изд. на УНСС, С., 2016. (European Economy, UNWE Publishing hous, Sofia, 2016).
- Общата търговска политика на Европейския съюз след Лисабонския договор, изд. „Тракия-М”, С., 2011. (EU Common Commercial Policy after the Lisbon Treaty, Sofia: Thracia-M, 2011).
- ЕС като глобална търговска сила, изд. „Албатрос”, С., 2008.(TheEUasaglobaltrade power, Sofia: Albatros, 2008).
- Някои секторни аспекти на ангажиментите по присъединяването ни към ЕС в областта на икономиката – в “Присъединяването на Република България към Европейския съюз, като фактор, детерминиращ ново място на страната в света”, УИ “Стопанство”, С., 2007. (Co-author: Some industry sector aspects in our EU accession obligations in the economic field, IN “The accession of the Republic of Bulgaria to the EU as a factor determining a new place of the country globally” Sofia: Stopanstvo, 2007).
- Глава V -“Вътрешен пазар на Европейската общност”, Глава VІІІ -“Обща търговска политика на ЕО”, Глава ІХ -“Политика на развитието”, Глава ХІ – Параграфи 4,5 и 6 в “Европейска икономическа интеграция”, изд. “Стопанство”, С., 2004. (Co-author: Chapter V – The Internal Market of the European Community; Chapter VIII – Common Trade Policy of EC; Chapter IX – Development Policy; Chapter XI – Paragraphs 4, 5 and 6, IN “European Economic Integration”, Sofia: Stopanstvo, 2004).
- Подкрепата на предприемачеството в Европейския съюз, в “България в Европейския съюз – възможности и предизвикателства пред малкия бизнес”, Институт за икономическа политика, С., 2002. (Co-author: Support for Entrepreneurship in the EU, IN “Bulgaria in the EU – opportunities and challenges facing the small business”, Sofia: Economic Policy Institute, 2002).
- The Impact of Technical Barriers to Trade on Bulgaria’s Exports to the EU and the CEFTA Countries (Co-author Daskalov, S.), IN “Enlargement, Trade and Investment. The Impact of Barriers to Trade in Europe”, Eduard Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2002.
- ЕС: Външнотърговски аспекти на интеграцията, УИ “Стопанство”, С., 2000.(EU: Foreign trade aspects in integration, Sofia: Stopanstvo, 2000).
- Конфликтът в Африканския юг – в „Конфликтните огнища на планетата”, С., 1988. (Co-author: Conflict in the African South, IN “Conflict spots on the planet”, Sofia, 1988).
- Глава IV „Отношения между развитите капиталистически държави” и глава V „Отношения между развиващите се страни” в „Основи на международните отношения”, изд. на ВИНС Варна, 1987.(Co-author: Chapter IV – Relations between developed capitalist countries and Chapter V – Relations between developing countries, IN “Fundamentals in international relations”, Varna: VINS, 1987).
- Иновации и рисков капитал в контекста на Лисабонската стратегия, доклад на научна конференция на тема „Интегриране на България в Европейското иновационно и образователно пространство”, УНСС, С., 2009. (Innovation and risk capital in the context of the Lisbon strategy, report at a conference entitled “Integrating Bulgaria in the European innovation and information society”, Sofia: UNSS, 2009).
- Бюджетът на ЕС – квазифедерален бюджет?, доклад на научна конференция на тема:„Реформата в бюджета на ЕС”, УНСС, С., 2008. (EU budget – a quasi–federal budget?”, report at a conference entitled “Budget reform in the EU”, Sofia: UNSS, 2008).
- Проблеми на външната търговия на България и насърчаването на износа. Основен доклад на научно-практическа конференция на Съюза на икономистите в България, СИБ, С., 2006. ( Problems in Bulgaria’s foreign trade and export promotion, Key report in the scientific-and-practical conference of the Union of Economists in Bulgaria”, Sofia:SIB, 2006).
- Модели на парламентарен контрол по европейските въпроси(в съавторство с Калайджиев, А), Народно събрание на Република България, С., 2006. (Models of parliamentary control of European issues (co-author Kalaidzhiev, A.), Sofia: National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, 2006).
- Bulgarian SMEs declare to need skills development in marketing, Paper prepared for the Interlaken International Conference, SDC, Switzerland, 2001.
- Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and Bulgaria’s Exports, Paper prepared in the framework of the PHARE ACE project: Accession, differentiation and the impact upon trade and investment flows in an integrated Europe, Brussels, 2000.
- Das Apparteid ist ein Sistem ohne Zukunft, Afrika Konferenz in Berlin, 1985.
- “Expected Impact of EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement on Bulgaria’s Exports”, in Economic Alternatives, 2018, Issue 4, pp. 467-479.
- “Bulgaria in the EU Cohesion Process”, in Economic Alternatives, 2017, Issue 2, pp. 213-225.
- Кохезионната политика на ЕС и регионалните различия в България, в „Европейският съюз на кръстопът“, изд. на Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски“ и Фондация „Ханс Зайдел“, С., 2014, с.126-137, (EU Cohesion policy and the regional differences in Bulgaria, IN “European Union on at a crossroads”, Sofia: Publishing House of the Sofia University, 2014, p.126-137.)
- Бизнес-планирование инновационных проектов, методические указания, Актау, Казахстан, 2013, 39 с. (Business planning of innovative projects, methodical guidelines, Aktau, Kazakhstan, 2013).
- Външноикономически отношения и национална сигурност, в „Десетилетия на преход и промени: проблеми на външната политика и сигурност“, Издателски комплекс-УНСС, С., 2013, с. 362-370. (Foreign trade and national security, IN „Decades of transition and changes“, Sofia, Publishing House of the UNWE, 2013, p. 362-370).
- Някои секторни аспекти на ангажиментите по присъединяването ни към ЕС в областта на икономиката, в „Членството в Европейския съюз и НАТО – поуки за България“, Издателски комплекс-УНСС, С., 2013, с. 146-151. (Some industry sector aspects in our EU accession obligations in the economic field, IN “The accession of the Republic of Bulgaria to the EU and NATO – lessons for Bulgaria” Sofia, Publishing House “Stopanstvo”, 2013, p.146-151.).
- Bulgaria-EU: Dynamics of Approximation in Export Specialization, Economic Alternatives, Issue 1, 2012, p. 38-46.
- Някои проблеми на адаптирането на България към общата търговска политика на ЕС в „Научни трудове на УНСС”, УИ „Стопанство”, С., 2010 (Some problems in Bulgaria’s adaption to the EU Common trade policy, IN “Research works of the University of National and World Economy – UNSS”, Sofia: Stopanstvo, 2010).
- The Impact of Accession to the EU on Bulgaria’s Export Specialization, IN “EBMM 2011, 2011 International Conference on Economics, Business and Marketing Management, March 11-13 Shanghai, China, (ISBN: 978-1-4244-9545-0), p.17-22.
- Усилията на ЕС за усъвършенстване на Споразумението за ТРИПС, сп. „Икономически алтернативи”, 2008, бр.3. (EU efforts to improve the TRIPS Agreement, IN magazine “Ikonomicheski Alternativi” issue 3, Sofia: 2008).
- Българо-руските търговско-икономически отношения след присъединяването ни към ЕС, в. “Икономически живот”, 2007, бр.31. (Bulgarian-Russian trade and economic relations after our joining the EU, IN magazine “Ikonomicheski zhivot, issue 31, Sofia: 2007).
- Проблеми, рискове и предложения, свързани с външната търговия на България, сп. „Финанси”, 2006, бр.2. (Problems, risks and proposals, related to Bulgaria’s foreign trade, IN magazine “Finance” issue 2, Sofia: 2006).
- Правилата на стандартизация в ЕС, сп. “Мениджър”, 2003, бр.3. (EU standardization procedures, IN magazine “Manager” issue 2, Sofia: 2003).
- Схеми за кредитиране на Европейския инвестиционен фонд и Европейската инвестиционна банка, сп. “Мениджър”, 2003, бр.3. (Credit schemes of the European Investment Fund and the European Investment Bank, IN magazine “Manager, issue 3, Sofia: 2003).
- Рисковете на обратната асиметрия в търговските отношения на България със страните от ЕС, сп. “Външна търговия”, 2002, бр.3. (The risks of inverse asymmetry in Bulgaria’s trade relations with EU states, IN magazine “Vanshna Targovia”, issue 3, Sofia: 2002).
- Техническите бариери пред българския износ за страните от ЕС и ЦЕФТА, сп. “Външна търговия”, 2001, бр.6. (Technical barriers to Bulgarian exports to EU and CEFTA, IN magazine “Vanshna Tragovia”, issue 6, Sofia: 2001).
- ЕС: Подходи в политиката за премахване на техническите бариери пред търговията, в сп. “Външна търговия”, 1999, бр.6-7. (EU: Approaches in the policy of removing technical barriers to trade, IN magazine “Vanshna Targovia”, issue 6-7, Sofia: 1999).
- Търговски аспекти на отношенията на ЕС със страните от АКТ, сп. “Външна търговия”, 1999, бр.4. (Trade aspects in EU relations with ACP countries, IN magazine “Vanshna Targovia” issue 4, Sofia: 1999).
- Влияние на асоциирането към ЕС върху българския експорт на химически изделия, сп. “Външна търговия”, 1997, бр.4. (The impact of association to EU on Bulgarian exports of chemical products, IN magazine “Vanshna Targovia” issue 4, Sofia: 1997).
- Някои проблеми на българо-германската търговия, сп. “Външна търговия”, 1994, бр.1. (Some issues of Bulgarian-German trade, IN magazine “Vanshna Targovia, issue 1, Sofia: 1994).
- Аграрная политика стран Тропической Африки в сб. „Материалы V научной конференции болгарских аспирантов, обучающихся в Москве”, част I, Москва, 1983.(The agricultural policy of countries in Tropical Africa, IN “Materials of 5th scientific conference of Bulgarian Ph. D. students in Moscow”, part I, Moscow: 1983).
- Независимата комисия Вили Брандт в диалога „север-Юг”, сп. „Международни отношения”, 1981, бр. 4. (The independent commission of Willy Brandt in the North-South dialogue, IN magazine “International Realations”, issue 4, Sofia: 1981).
- Развитие на външнотърговските връзки между България и страните от Тропическа Африка, сп. „Външна търговия”, 1980, бр.7-8. (Development of foreign trade relations between Bulgaria and the countries of Tropical Africa, IN magazine “Vanshna Targovia”, issue 7-8, Sofia: 1980).